Credible academic researches are essential for the growth of educational means and many other broadly aims. To induce the development of communication studies in Indonesia, APJIKI (Asosiasi Penerbit Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia) is made to provide a platform for scholars in publishing accredited academic communication journals. London School of Public Relations (LSPR) as one of the foremost institution in the respecting field, succeeded to gather 50 members of APJIKI on Friday, 17 February 2017 at Rafael Jolongbayan room, Campus B LSPR, Jakarta. The event was exclusively made for its declaration of new organisation structure and MoU signing between various academic instances and APJIKI.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA MCIPR APR giving speech to the attendees

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA MCIPR APR giving speech to the attendees

The ceremony commenced with an opening speech from the founder and director of LSPR, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, MPR, APR and a bouquet handing to the executives of APJIKI. Led by Ms. Cendera Rizki as master of ceremony (MC), the afternoon was then continued by greetings from APJIKI representative, Ms. Puji Lestari, as the head/chairman of the association, as well a lecturer of Communications Studies in UPN “Veteran” Jogjakarta. “It is to be a bowl for academics in improving their communication journals to a publication level and to be credited by the officials”, stated Ms. Puji. It is claimed that numbers of accredited academic communication journals in Indonesia were only by 31, and another 28 that went international.


Mr. Rustono Farady as Head 1 of the association continued the event by a declaration of the new executive board and organisational structure of APJIKI

Mr. Rustono Farady as First Head of the association continued the event by a declaration of the new executive board and organisational structure of APJIKI

The session was followed by MoU signing of the first five representative communication journals. A journal of Eddy Aruman from LSPR Jakarta, Raja Pritonga from ISKI, Dadi Ahmadi from Astikom, Teguh from Communication Studies Trunojoyo, and Muhammad Alif from Meta Comm South Kalimantan, each was signed by Ms. Puji Lestari as the head of APJIKI, denoting agreement of an accredited academic journal. Continued by a declaration of the new executive board and organisational structure of APJIKI, the session was given to Mr. Rustono Farady as First Head of the association. New divisions and managements were then announced to arrive in making APJIKI a better community in the future.


Here are the representative for the signing; Eddy Aruman of LSPR Jakarta, Raja Pritonga of ISKI, Dadi Ahmadi of Astikom, Teguh of Communication Studies Trunojoyo, and Muhammad Alif of Meta Comm South Kalimantan.

The representative for the MOU signing; Eddy Aruman from LSPR Jakarta, Raja Pritonga from ISKI, Dadi Ahmadi from Astikom, Teguh from Communication Studies Trunojoyo, and Muhammad Alif from Meta Comm South Kalimantan.

Dr. Lestari Nurhajati as General Secretary of APJIKI brought the last session in inviting all academics of communication journals to sign the MoU. The ceremony was then ended by photo sessions, with the academics and executive board of APJIKI themselves. Snacks, coffee, and tea accompanied the attendances throughout the event. (Nadira/Tarrasch)