Beginning of the year starts quite brilliantly for LSPRTV. This time, LSPRTV took home an award in the competitions held by the COMMIT Bunda Mulia University. The announcemennt received on Friday, 24 February 2017 and the competition was held on 22 Februari 2017.
Daicy Florencia (PR 19 INT) won the first place in the News Casting Competition for event Communication Summit 2017 (COMMIT 2017). Newscasting competition consists of three rounds are newscasting, tandem, and a live report. In News Casting round consisting of 30 participants screened down to 15 participants and in tandem filtered again becoming 5 participants. In addition, this competition was also attended by other universities.
News that will be presented is a random news that has been made by the committee. At News Casting round and tandem Daicy news get softnews, while at live report round, Daicy got news about the murder of Kim Jong Nam. Hopefully LSPRTV can be more advanced and will get many achievements in the next opportunity. congratulations! (Nurul)