Speaking skills in the audience or the more familiar with the term, “Public Speaking” is a must-have skill set in each line of activity, either in academic to professional. But, the ability of speech must also be supported by the ability to move the audience from one point to another through speech.
Therefore, on April 18, 2017, the London School of Public Relations together with Young On Top Catalyst held a talkshow “Young On Top Roadshow” with theme; “Public Speaking: Crafting Creating Impactful Speeches”. The event was held at Prof. Djayusman & Auditorium Performance Hall and was attended by students of various majors.
The speakers are; Jonathan c. Susanto, an alumni of LSPR batch 12 and a mentor in Young on Top and Daniar Archri who also works as a News Anchor on CNN. Jonathan tells the story about how he was to learn the trick in public speaking, while Daniar sharing her experience as a News Anchor.
With the holding of this event, hopefully the participants who attend this event can take advantage and also more reliable in public speaking. (Nurul)