The plenary meeting on the jury team against an accomplished student election results level (KOPERTIS) region III has been assigned the best student to follow the 5th the national level, and one of them is LSPR’s student.

Shania accompanied by Dr. Andre Ikhsano – Deputy Director I – received the award from Kemenristek

On 16 May 2017, Shania Safira Haroen from PR 18 – 2C got the award as the best student in (KOPERTIS) region 3. This event was held at Bidakara Hotel and also attended by another students from the Jakarta, they were; Bina Nusantara University, Sampoerna University, Pelita Harapan University and etc.
Hopefully, Shania can improve her achievements in the future and continue to bring the name of LSPR with her success.