In order to welcome Ramadan Season LSPR FOMS (Federation Of Moslem Students) held an event that featured young Hafiz figures as their material speakers and attended by students from various universities who were enthusiastic about the event. The event was held at Nurul Amal Mosque, Pasar Minggu on May 21, 2017. Registration is the first thing that encountered to participate in this event, in addition participants are also welcomed by the presence of one of the BMW motorcycle showcase, which is part of the sponsor for this event. While waiting for the event to begin, some of the participants perform the Duha prayer which is sunna prayer in the morning.

Iskandar Mulya, one of LSPR FOMS member delivering the event information

At 09:00 o’clock, the event started with the opening by Iskandar Mulya as the host of this event, he explained the rundown of the event and the speakers who will bring the material for this event, such as ustad Taqy Malik, ustad Muzammil Hasbalah, ustad Ibrohim Fadhlanulhaq and ustad Erick Yusuf. After delivering the event information by Iskandar, Nabil Octora as the chief organizer delivered the opening and welcoming speech to the committee of Nurul Amal Mosque. This event begins with the reading of An-Naba by ustad Boim and Ustad Taqy Malik, also Ustad Eric Yusuf’s give an speech material about tarhib marhaban ya Ramadan.

Muhammad Rafli as the president of LSPR Foms give the plaque to the speaker.

The event ended with the speech from Ustadz Taqy Malik as well as giving the plaque of appreciation to ustad Ibrohim, ustad Taqy Malik as the speaker for this event, and also  Nurul Iman mosque committee. (Arman)