At 9 in the morning participants of Mr and Mrs LSPR were welcomed to enter the prof. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall, as well as seat on  the seats that have been provided by the organizer committee. The first session began with the material on character and traits by Ms. Renata Tirta, who brings material about attitude, etiquette and personal grooming. In this session Ms. Renata also talked about the power of public speaking, how to shake hands professionally  and to dress properly.

Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung giving lesson about public speaking, developing personality and also general information about LSPR

The second session is the briefing material about the majority of LSPR by Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung M.SC, and also didn’t forget about LSPR 10 pilars which are the pillars that must be embedded to all LSPR students. And then the event continued with lesson of Table Manner by Mrs. Tendean. And closing by session of Public Speaking, Personality Development & Character Building by Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung.

Mrs. Tendean give the participants of Mr & Ms LSPR about ethics in fine dining

We hope the lesson that the participants of Mr and Ms LSPR received can be more useful for them in the next time. (Arman)