PAC 16-1B presented a performance with a different concept than usual, the concept of the show was held at Prof. Djajusman Auditorium Campus B and adapted the concept of an exhibition or museum type. These performances became one of the requirements of two subjects, which are Fundamental of Performance 2 (Acting) and Directing. It was held last Thursday, January 22, 2015 from 10:00 AM until 10.00 PM.
The audience enjoyed the show that was presented in a different way, if the audience before usually just sit and look at the performances shown, this time the audience are invited to get around from one story to the other. Through this show the audience can enjoy legend story of Indonesia such as Timun Mas, Keong Mas, Si Raja Tidur, and Bawang Merah-Bawang Putih. The show also received an award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum ) as the first show with a concept of a museum type performance. (Power Young)
PAC 16-1B crews with Mrs. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, Ms. Karina Indah Septiani, Mr. Joseph Radel Lopez and Mr. Endang Purnomo