Jakarta – The London School of Public Relations Jakarta through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) once again held a National Conference on Communication and Community Service (KNP2K), September 5, 2019. This national conference themed “Communication Challenges and Breakthroughs Towards Society 5.0”, with the aim of improving the quality of research and community service in the field of communication. Organized through various activities, namely call for abstracts, seminars, presentations and discussions through parallel sessions. The highlight of the KNP2K event took place at the LSPR Transpark Juanda Bekasi campus on Thursday 5 September 2019.

Participants of KNP2K, academics from LSPR-Jakarta were given a warm welcome at LSPR Transpark
KNP2K received a warm welcome from Academics from various Universities throughout Indonesia and Communication Practitioners who were involved as conference participants. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the abstract submissions that have been collected since last month (5/7). Some of the sub-themes raised at this conference are Business and Political Communication Innovation, Digital Journalism and Media Literacy, Ethics and Regulation in Digital Communication, Corporate Strategic Communication, Social Culture Communication, Gender and Popular Culture, Public Relations and Crisis Management in Government Organizations and Companies, The Role of Digital Communication in Disaster Mitigation, Digital Communication and Environmental Issues, Digital Communication and Democracy Development, and Health Communication.

Dr. Ir. Illah Sailah, MS, Head of Higher Education for District III gave speech at KNP2K 2019

Dr. Rubiyanto from LSPR Jakarta announced the best articles of KNP2K 2019
National conference participants who have conducted research and written their work in the form of journal articles, had the opportunity to make presentations and discussions conducted in parallel on Thursday (5/9). Dozens of the best articles in the category of Best Research Articles and Best Service Articles, had the opportunity to be published in the National Accredited Journal of Higher Education and the National Journal of ISSN. The seminar and discussion, beginning with the Opening Remarks by the LSPR Jakarta Founder & Director Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, were followed by the KNP2K report by the Chairperson of KNP2K Rendro Dhani, Ph.D. The opening ceremony of the highlight of the KNP2K event was also attended by the Head of Region III Higher Education Services Institute Dr. Ir. Illah Sailah, MS. to give Inspirational Speech. Also attending were Education Specialists – Lead Google for Education – Indonesia Ganis Samoedra M.
Participants of KNP2K after discussion sessions at LSPR classes
The success of the previous KNP2K provided both encouragement and responsibility for LSPR as an educational institution in the field of communication in maintaining the scientific spirit that was developed in the form of various scientific studies.