Jakarta – On September 11, 2019, ASPIKOM (Asosiasi Pendidikan Ilmu Komunikasi) is having a section IV ASPIKOM deliberations and a seminar. It was held in Auditorium Prof. Djayusman STIKOM LSPR, Sudirman Park. This deliberation was attended by Ibu Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR; the chairman of central Aspikom, Dr. M. Sulhan M.Si; Dr. Mulharnetti Syas as the previous chairman of the last period, and the administrations of communication science study program in the Jabodetabek region. The main agenda from this event is the election of coordinator chairman in Jabodetabek regional.

Ms. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR Give Opening Speech
The Communication Science Higher Education Association (ASPIKOM) is the only association that brings together the administrator of communication science higher education either from majors level, study program, or faculties from all Indonesia. ASPIKOM was established on March 23, 2007, in Salatiga, Central Java. Once every three years, ASPIKOM is doing an election for the position of coordinator chairman in Jabodetabek regional. For this year, LSPR got an opportunity to be the host of this year deliberations and voting for coordinator chairman fourth period.

Question and Answer Session With Audience
There’s a long process before arriving at this election. “At the very beginning, we already ask for accountability report for the accomplishment of the previous period’s management,” said Mr. Deddy Irwandy S.SOS, M.Si as the committee of the deliberations and seminar. “It has been approved.” There’s certain clarification if someone wants to sign up as the candidate of the chairman. They can’t present themselves as an individual, only if they are an administrator of the study program.

Giving Plaque from LSPR
Mr. Deddy Irwandy explains how the election works. “Every administrator suggests a prospective candidate,” he said. Whoever gets suggested they need five votes to go to the next step. They’ll be asked if they either capable or not. If they said yes, they would have a campaign. The end of the event would be held after they choose the chairman, and whoever gets the position will arrange their cabinet for the next three years.(Dianka, Bella)