Saturday, May 21 2016 Post Graduate Program ( PGP ) C held its Awarding Night at Prof. Dr Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall Campus C LSPR Jakarta at 18.00 until 21.00. The event was held by LSPR Jakarta to give appreciation for 54 students who have passed the international exam with subjects Strategic Issues Management with a value above 90 and Social Media or Business with a value above 85. The students receive a certificate awarded by Edith Cowan University – Australia and City & Guilds.
The event was attended by Prof. Jude Elund ( Edith Cowan University – Australia ) Congratulated the students who have successfully passed the exam work Management Strategic Issues and Social Media or Business.
Top 5 SIM
- Emilya Setyaningtyas
- Muthia Chairiyah
- Windy
- Mochammad Fauzul Haq
- Novanda Katrin
- Eva Prasetya
- Marcella Ariani Lestari
- Qorry Aina
- Dino
- Andrianus Jaya
Congratulations for all Awardees! (Citra)