Awarding night SIM (Strategic Issues Management) & SMB (Social Media For Business) was held on 21th April 2017 at 18.00 – 21.00 in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & perfomance Hall London School of Public Relatons Jakarta. The event was attended by postgraduate students from LSPR Jakarta who got the best rank in doing international examination.
Adam James Fenton, Ph.D, giving opening speech for the Awarding Night of SIM (Strategic Issues Management) & SMB (Social Media For Business) for PGP program.
This event is a form of LSPR award to 70 students who graduated in the subject of Strategic Issues Management and 13 students who graduated in the subject Social Media for Business. In addition, this award is expected to be a motivation for them.
One of the batch 10th student of PGP Program, Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan from Strategic Issues Management receives his High Distinction Award.
In addition to being attended by students who graduated with the best grades on the SIM & SMB exam, the event was also attended by families, boss, and people who meant to them as a form of their gratitude to the families and people who supported them. At this event, students give flowers to parents, and the people who support them. As a reward, the students receive a plaque of appreciation as a high distinction students.For every subject, there were 3 people who chosen as the top three, they are:
Top 3 Stratgic Issues Management
- Intan Ulfah Zulhijjah Putri
- Debby Prawita Sari Zendrato
- Adithya Remitasari
Top 3 Social Media For Business
- Anindya Kirana
- Annisa Dewi Yustita dan Muhammad Awaludin Setiawan
- Anesia Anggun Kinanti
Congratulations! (Citra)