June 29, 2015, The verifier from Northumbria University Dr. Lee Barron conducted the verification for the Northumbria International Examinations Short Film Productions at LSPR TV Studio, together with the Internal verifier from LSPR Ms. Candy Hernandez, Dr. Lee Barron previewed the Top 10 Finalist for the Short Film Production for the the subject TV, Film & Video Productions 2 from Batch 16 Mass Communication students. It is one of the International Examination for The Department of Mass Communication students every even semester at LSPR.
According to Dr. Lee Barron, this is his 5th year doing the verification for this examination and he is indeed impressed with the level of quality of students work which keeps on getting higher and higher. This year and this Batch is the best films he has previewed for the past 5 years and He looks forward to preview the next Batch next year.
Dr. Lee has chosen this year’s winner for the Best Short Film Production:
3rd Place Winner “Paradox” from MC 16-4B
Cindy Fransiska
Faishal Kusuma
RA. Piala Andini
Regina Patria Dinta A.
2nd Place Winner “Diantara Lima” from MC 16-5B
Alyssa Putri
Clarissa Putri
Devicitra Fatma
Fadil Muhammad
Krisna Pratiwi
Muhammad Nasri Amin
Putu Pande
Venesia Nathalia
Yan Afi Dharma
1st Place Winner ” Choice Not Chosen” from MC 16-4B
Devesh Rajkumar
Kasifa Akbari
Kristin Berliana
Niko Bimantara
Richard Michael Lucock
Congratulations to all the winners. We look forward for Batch 17’s, Northumbria International Examination next semester.