Jakarta – Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati, SE, M, Si a lecturer from LSPR Communication and Business Institute gave some guidance of her experience during the WFH (Work From Home) in a short duration video published on LSPR Jakarta YouTube channel. She said, “just at home” means we have to have a strategy of how to communicate with outsiders and we can do that through new media connected to the internet.

For those of us who are active during WFH through new media or online this demands that we continue to access computer screens, laptops, and gadgets. So, we need to be able to manage our schedule properly. It is this schedule that can help us manage our activities. When we do not regulate online activities properly, this can lead to obstacles, such as dizziness, dry eyes, a stiff neck, which may be caused by radiation exposure to our bodies.

To be able to reduce this, we can use imaginative Public Speaking science, which is commonly used by broadcasters namely Speak Without Having to Read, which is not face to face but the message can convey our communication goals. This anticipates that it can be an obstacle when we are constantly staring at a screen, or doing activities in front of the screen.

This is the concept of talking without having to look in the mirror as a way to communicate without being exposed for a long time to screen radiation when we are constantly in front of the screen. We can get used to listening more first and then speaking. There are times when communicating with other people means we need to listen which makes the communication cycle more comfortable when we hear and when we talk.

Apart from that what we can do is set the tone when we speak. Always use intonation to emphasize the messages we want to convey. Intonation in speech can help to convey important messages that want to be received well. Then choose positive words because sometimes positive words can also be interpreted negatively by others. Then choose the right diction and positive words when we communicate. 

Article by Putri Syifa

Photo source by YouTube channel LSPR Jakarta

YouTube – LSPR Jakarta