Issues about terrorism has a high news value in the media. One interesting phenomenon is the topic of terrorism reporting intensely behind the arrest of Ba’asyir in 2010. This is an interesting topic for Dr. Seto Indiwan Wahjuwibowo, M.Si in making his book entitled “Media dan Terorisme”.
A Book Discussion was held at Prof. Margono Research and Community Centre, last Friday, April 17th, 2015, hosted by Mrs. Hersinta and was attended by some of the lecturers and students from LSPR.
In his book, Dr. Indiwan tried to link the news media about terrorism that he considered less of balanced. As a final task in his progress to his Doctorate Degree, he also interviewed some of the media practitioners as his sources. Based on this research, the media is considered less balanced in presenting the news about terrorism because, that news published only based on one side.
A Book Discussion will be held once every 2 months, it aims to brainstorm and review a book that both readers and writers will get a new ideas and knowledge. (Uzlifat)