On Friday, 15 April 2015, Communication Studies Professor at London School of Public Relations – Jakarta, Prof. Alo Liliweri, has recently released his latest book, titled “Teorisasi Komunikasi Antarbudaya”. This book discussion was held at Research Centre, Campus C, LSPR – Jakarta.
Prof. Alo who taught Inter and Cross-Cultural Communication subject for nearly 20 years is increasingly understood that the concept of communication, culture, and the relationship between communication with the culture – can not be explained without proper scientific grounding for students. Most books of Inter and Cross-Cultural Communication as if ignoring the cultural concept of culture that is the core of anthropological studies that studies human culture holistically.
This book contains “configuration theoretically” or “theoretical” of intercultural communication which contains several concepts, such as the concepts of cultural values, cultural dimensions, cultural patterns, cultural orientation forming characteristics / personality which appeared in the behavior and actions starting at the level of individuals, groups, communities, organizations, to local and international level.
A plaque of appreciation was given to Prof. Alo Liliweri M. S by Dr. Lestari Nurhayati as Head of Research Centre
The book discussion was also attended by Prof. Dr Ahmad Sihabudin, M. Si. He commented on the book as well as shared his experiences and methods performed in intercultural communication.