Bekasi – Thursday, January 9, 2020, at LSPR Transpark Juanda Bekasi, Bhayangkari Metro District Police took part in entrepreneurship training held by LSPR. An Entrepreneur is someone who provides solutions to environmental problems that exist in the community. This can start with a small idea for example, one LSPR student sells Money Cakes which become a great hit in the community. The money inside the cake is considered to solve a problem because when we give a birthday cake we don’t have to worry about giving a gift because inside the cake there is money as a gift.

Sharing Session with Bhayangkari Metro District Police
In the training, Sandy Adhitia, the speaker and one of the co-founders of Pijak Bumi shoes, provided important basic knowledge about entrepreneurship to Bhayangkari. One of the topics was Business Model Canvas or commonly abbreviated to BMC.

Bhayangkari Metro District Police
BMC makes it easier for entrepreneurs who want to start a business to recognize their business first, by identifying weaknesses, superior points, target buyers, and other important information. After creating BMC, they run their business using BMC as their guide.

Bhayangkari Metro District Police
At the end of the training, it was identified that there were at least three Bhayangkari who had already started a business and they consulted with the speaker about their business problems. The beauty business, food, to the internet network were all discussed in this training forum. It is hoped that this training will benefit Bhayangkari who have already started or want to start a business.
Article by Rahmadika, Dianka
Photo by LSPR