LSPR Institute

Academic S1

Online Entry Test LSPR Postgraduate Programme

By |2023-08-03T12:07:48+07:00August 3rd, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Ready to elevate your career and become a master of communication with LSPR Postgraduate Programme?  As an A-accredited private institution, we offer a range of concentrations and programmes designed to give you deeper knowledge in the field.  Join us and take your next step in the September 2023 intake and gain expert insights in five [...]

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By |2023-07-20T20:10:34+07:00July 20th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Dear LSPR Students, Warm greetings from Academic! We announce the Final Examination for Even Semester Academic Year 2022-2023 will be held on Monday, 24 July 2023 until Friday, 4 August 2023. Please find the attached schedule details for your reference and pay attention to the Terms and Conditions applied. Announcement Final Examination (Even Semester 2022-2023) FINAL [...]


LSPR Postgraduate Programme’s Healthcare Communication Management Regular Scholarship 30%

By |2023-07-13T16:20:50+07:00July 13th, 2023|Academic S1, Academic S2, Info Academic|

Do you have a passion for healthcare and communication? If yes, then you are the perfect candidate for LSPR Postgraduate Programme’s Healthcare Communication Management, a concentration in the Blended Learning Programme that will prepare you for the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic sector. And guess what? You can get 30% off if you sign [...]

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LSPR Postgraduate Programme Online Entry Test VIII

By |2023-07-12T12:58:30+07:00July 12th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Ready to elevate your career and become a master of communication with LSPR Postgraduate Programme? As an A-accredited private institution, we offer a range of concentrations and programmes designed to give you deeper knowledge in the field. Join us and take your next step in the September 2023 intake and gain expert insights in five [...]

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LSPR Aptis International English Exam Orientation for Batch 24 Students

By |2023-07-12T12:02:38+07:00July 12th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Attention Batch 24 Students! Get ready for the LSPR Aptis International English Exam Orientation. Don't miss out on this important event! Register now at: Reminder: All graduating LSPR Students who haven't taken the Aptis International English Exam must also register for the orientation. #LSPR #LSPRInstitute #LSPRJakarta #LSPRBekasi #LSPRElearning #LSPRBali #LSPR31st #LSPR31stAnniversary #MBKMLSPR

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By |2023-07-10T11:37:55+07:00July 10th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Dear Mahasiswa/i LSPR Institute, Warm greetings from Academic UGP! Kami informasikan bahwa periode Pendaftaran dan Pembayaran untuk Short Semester telah dibuka dan akan ditutup paling lambat Jumat, 4 Agustus 2023 pukul 15.00 WIB. Untuk memenuhi nilai IPK (Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif) dengan minimum nilai 2,75 maka dari itu mahasiswa dianjurkan untuk mengikuti kelas Short Semester sehingga dapat memenuhi target [...]


LSPR Blended Learning Management Entry Test

By |2023-06-07T08:05:54+07:00June 7th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Kuliah S1 LSPR Blended Learning adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk kuliah sambil bekerja! Pada Prodi Manajemen LSPR juga terdapat jurusan Entrepreneurship and Leadership, lho Yuk join Tes Penerimaan Online yang akan dilaksanakan pada: Sabtu, 10 & 24 Juni 2023 Pkl 11.00-12.00 WIB Perkuliahan akan dimulai September 2023. Daftar sekarang melalui Link: WhatsApp Hotline: 0815 1470 [...]

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Pendataan Prestasi Mahasiswa/i LSPR

By |2023-05-24T16:00:27+07:00May 24th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Dear LSPR Students, Jika kalian memiliki prestasi dan pencapaian rekognisi seperti Hak Cipta, Penulis Buku ber ISBN, atau menjadi juri/pelatih, pembicara, memiliki karya cipta yang pernah dipublikasikan, dan memenangkan kompetisi di luar LSPR, ini saatnya untuk teman-teman berpartisipasi dalam pendataan prestasi dan rekognisi! LSPR Institute of Communication and Business mengajak teman-teman mahasiswa/i untuk melakukan pendataan [...]

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Literature Review (Undergraduate) and Journal for Graduation (Postgraduate)

By |2023-05-10T16:16:51+07:00May 10th, 2023|Academic S1, Academic S2, Info Academic|

Hi Londoners, Salam hangat dari LP3M Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR! Udah mau semester akhir, tapi masih bingung sama penulisan skripsi/thesis maupun jurnal? Jangan khawatir, yuk ikuti webinar "Literature Review (Undergraduate) and Journal for Graduation (Postgraduate)". Webinar ini terbuka untuk seluruh Londoners yang saat ini juga masih di semester awal untuk mempersiapkan skripsi/thesisnya di masa [...]

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Tes Penerimaan Online & Beasiswa E-Learning Term 1

By |2023-04-10T11:40:19+07:00April 10th, 2023|Academic S1, Info Academic|

Upgrade Skill & Karirmu, Daftar Kuliah S1 LSPR Full Online!  Tes Penerimaan Online & Beasiswa Term 1 dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 15 April 2023 Pkl 10.00 – 11.00 WIB Jurusan terfavorit yang bisa kamu pilih di antaranya: • Public Relations & Digital Communication • Marketing Communication • International Relations Communication Perkuliahan dimulai pada September 2023 Link [...]

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