Upcoming Events

London School Radio: Kongkow Bareng Special “Life’s Harmony”

Finally the day we’ve been all waiting for has come! Don’t forget to drink a lot of water so you can sing loudly to all Bernadya songs. Save the date, everyone : Day & Date: Wednesday, 19th June 2024 Time: 12.00 - 13.00 Location: LSPR Sudirman Park (Cafetaria, Campus B) Let’s sing along, Londoners! For [...]

By |2024-06-18T13:51:28+07:00June 18th, 2024|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on London School Radio: Kongkow Bareng Special “Life’s Harmony”

SGO EXPO 2024: Building Resilience : Mental Health and Well Being

Calling for Faculty of Communication Batch 27 & Faculty of Business Batch 4, Student Guidance Office (SGO) kembali mengadakan seminar wajib "SGO EXPO 2024: Building Resilience : Mental Health and Well Being" pada hari Jumat 31 Mei 2024 di Kampus LSPR Transpark Juanda, Bekasi. SGO EXPO 2024 kali ini mengangkat topik tentang "Mental Health" yang [...]

By |2024-05-29T15:27:41+07:00May 29th, 2024|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on SGO EXPO 2024: Building Resilience : Mental Health and Well Being

Career Hack For Gen Z: Future Trends and Industry Insights

Salam Hangat dari LSPR Careers & Employability Centre!  LSPR Careers & Employability Centre bersama Alumni Relations Departemen dan Keluarga Alumni (KAMI) LSPR berkolaborasi dengan Transmedia dan MAP Academy dalam kegiatan Career Talks dengan tema "Career Hack For Gen Z: Future Trends and Industry Insights" akan dilaksanakan pada: Sesi 1 - Transmedia Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 18 [...]

By |2024-01-16T16:01:17+07:00January 16th, 2024|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Career Hack For Gen Z: Future Trends and Industry Insights

SEMINAR CANGKIR Vol.2 : What Kind of Leader that Indonesia Need

Dear Kak Miko, tolong update di upcoming event yah kak.. terima kasih. Dengan Caption   [Departemen Kajian Strategis BEM LSPR “CANGKIR Vol.2 : What Kind of Leader that Indonesia Need”] Halo, Londoners! Dengan adanya pesta demokrasi pemilu yang akan diselenggarakan pada bulan Februari 2024, BEM LSPR mengajak Mahasiswa/i LSPR untuk mengikuti seminar Cangkir Volume 2 [...]

By |2024-01-10T15:04:42+07:00January 10th, 2024|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on SEMINAR CANGKIR Vol.2 : What Kind of Leader that Indonesia Need


  [LSPR ALUMNI : CORNER OF FAME] KAMI, Alumni Relations Department dan komite Keluarga Alumni LSPR, merasa bangga terhadap pencapaian karir para Alumni LSPR. Bagi rekan - rekan alumni yang yang telah berhasil mengembangkan jenjang karirnya seperti, meraih posisi strategis baru atau mendapatkan promosi, kami ingin turut meng highlight kabar baik tersebut. Untuk itu, dimohon [...]

By |2023-12-28T13:08:42+07:00December 28th, 2023|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on LSPR ALUMNI : CORNER OF FAME


  [LIVE A LIFE, LIVE THROUGH YOU] Hello Londoners! LSPR Cares is back with blood donors with a theme “Live A Life, Live Through You”, this event aims to encourage youngsters to be more concerned about health by donating blood. Date: Monday, November 27th 2023 Location: Auditorium LSPR Sudirman Park, Campus B LSPR Jakarta Time: [...]

By |2023-11-21T12:00:46+07:00November 21st, 2023|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on LSPR Cares: LIVE A LIFE, LIVE THROUGH YOU

Day One of LSPR Postgraduate Week 2023 – Online

 Day One of LSPR Postgraduate Week 2023 - Online  Join us for an enlightening webinar on Content Marketing with Miss Misty Dianshahira, MA. Get the latest insights and strategies to boost your knowledge in Content Marketing! Date: November 9th 2023 Time: 17.00 - 18.00 WIB Location: Online via Zoom What to Expect: - In-depth insights [...]

By |2023-11-01T16:00:18+07:00November 1st, 2023|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Day One of LSPR Postgraduate Week 2023 – Online

Winter Study Tour Switzerland that will be held on 6th to 15th February 2024

Hello Londoners! Ready for adventures beyond the classroom? Explore, Learn and Experience the LSPR Winter Study Tour Switzerland that will be held on 6th to 15th February 2024! Connect with our renowned University partner where you can engage in an interactive workshop and collaborative sessions and experience the beauty of Switzerland by exploring Geneva to [...]

By |2023-10-23T15:52:13+07:00October 23rd, 2023|Info Academic, Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Winter Study Tour Switzerland that will be held on 6th to 15th February 2024

Cegah Demam Berdarah Jangan Salah Langkah

Dear Civitas Academica LSPR Institute, Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) RI mencatatkan sampai Agustus 2023, 430 orang meninggal akibat DBD dengan jumlah kasus mencapai hingga 60 ribu. Selain melalui 3M, vaksin dengue juga efektif mencegah kita terjangkit demam berdarah. Agar terhindar dari penyakit ini, LSPR bekerja sama dengan Good Doctor mengadakan seminar dengan topik "Cegah Demam Berdarah [...]

By |2023-10-18T13:25:42+07:00October 18th, 2023|Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Cegah Demam Berdarah Jangan Salah Langkah

Online Open Day LSPR E – Learning 2023

  - Hari, tanggal: Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2023 Pukul: 10.00-12.00 WIB LIVE Exclusive via Zoom Dapatkan informasi program kuliah lengkap, konsultasi karir & insightful Talkshow bersama: • Dr. Dendy Mursi M.Si - Kaprodi LSPR E-Learning • Juni Safitri – Mahasiswi Batch 5A, Puteri Indonesia DKI Jakarta 2023 • Pancar Nur Widiastono – Mahasiswa Batch 4A, [...]

By |2023-10-17T14:08:21+07:00October 17th, 2023|Info Academic, Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Online Open Day LSPR E – Learning 2023
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