The LSPR Centre for Innovation and Business (LSPR CIB) is a dedicated unit of the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, established in alignment with the policies of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and the National Research and Innovation Agency. LSPR CIB serves as a platform for academics to drive innovation and business initiatives through the pentahelix collaboration model, which fosters cooperation between universities, industry, government, society, and the mass media.
To be a leading, innovative business institution that drives impactful innovations for the benefit of society at both national and international levels.
- Enhance the research and innovation capabilities of faculty and students, aligning their expertise with the LSPR research and innovation roadmap.
- Increase the societal impact of applied research by focusing on relevant, innovative solutions.
- Foster active collaborations through a pentahelix approach—engaging industries, government, communities, media, and academic institutions—to drive innovation and business development that serves the community.

LSPR Centre for Innovation and Business memiliki Program Inkubator Bisnis bagi para Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang berada di kawasan Bekasi. Program Inkubator ini dilaksanakan selama 1 tahun, melalui 6 rangkaian sesi yang berlangsung sekali dalam sebulan secara offline di Kampus LSPR Transpark Bekasi. Dan 6 bulan berikutnya adalah tahap pendampingan.
Saat ini, program inkubator tersebut telah memasuki Batch / Angkatan ke-5, yang masing-masing batch memiliki sekitar 10 sampai 15 peserta. Dalam program ini, para peserta diberikan pelatihan dan pembekalan ilmu dari para mentor yang merupakan dosen-dosen LSPR sesuai bidangnya masing-masing.
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Kedaireka UMKM Grant 2023
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LSPR Institute Meraih Penghargaan Anugerah Kerjasama Diktisaintek 2024
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