LSPR held a Character Building Camp from 2 – 3 of September 2017 at the LSPR Campus. For two days, the participants of the CBC where from batch of 20 they were divided into several groups and they were accompanied by their mentor and their LO respectively. This event will be conducted to all 788 students and they were divided into 7 clusters.
This event was opened by an opening speech from Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung as the head of Puket III. And then continued with a few seminar with different topics, among them; session on Building a Strong “You” performed by Mr. Eqky. In this session the students were given direction to overcome and prevent mental health issues. In addition, this session can also motivate private students that can be strong through mentally strong and healthy body.
It is not only pack with various seminar sessions, in the event there were also a session of games and team building activities that can enhance their solidarity. Mr. Imanuel Hutagalung as Chief of this program he hope with the CBC it can help, the students have a better personality and this event can provide good positive benefits to all of them. (Nurul)