Bekasi – The Bekasi Metro District Police collaborated once again with LSPR Transpark Juanda Bekasi in carrying out Digital Content Production Training on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. The training was conducted with the Public Relations team and the Metro Bekasi District Police Digital Media Content team. Previously, Bekasi Metro Police and LSPR have held Social Media Content Training in management. This event aims to increase knowledge about editing and improving the quality of soft skills and hard skills, especially in terms of ideas, design making, and digital content production.

Opening Speech from Mr. Sri Tunggul Panindriya, MA
Digital Content Production Training was attended by Mr. Sri Tunggul Panindriya, MA as the representative of LSPR Transpark Juanda Bekasi, Metro Bekasi Deputy Chief of Police Eka Mulyana, the PR team and the Social Media Content team of the Metro Bekasi Police District as the Training participants, and LSPR staff. Digital Content Production teaching and materiasl were given by Mr. Dendy Muris, M.Si and Mr. Andreas Humala, M.Si, who are both lecturers from LSPR.

Speech fromMetro Bekasi Deputy Chief of Police Eka Mulyana
Metro Bekasi Police Chief wants the PR and Digital Media Content team to provide information through short duration videos which cover all the information in a more interesting format especially in terms of improving the quality of posts ready to be uploaded during and after a live report. Metro Bekasi Police Resort Public Relations and Digital Media Content team are also expected to be able to train and develop their ability to report as one man shows or also called multitasking in carrying out their roles at various important occasions that can occur anywhere. Content and activities range from Pre-production, Production, to Post Production which are carried out by one person.

Mr. Dendy Muris, M.Si provided material about Digital Media Content Production

The participants practice of making live report news
Lecturers from LSPR, Mr. Dendy Muris, M.Sc and Mr. Andreas Humala, M.Sc. provided all the Digital Production material from Pre-Production, Production, to Post-Production which began with an explanation through power point material, followed by a simulation of making live news reports conducted by the participants, and the application of how to handle a camera correctly, to the editing process. Then continued with the development of posting ideas, to digital media content upload. All material and training on Digital Content Production to the PR team and the Bekasi Metro Police digital media content team has been summarized by the implementation of this event.
Article by Putri Syifa S
Photo by Putri Syifa S