BEKASI – Theatres never ceases to entertain the audience through endless playgrounds of symbolism and emotions. Dramakala showcases various contemporary theatre performances, an annual competition held by IDEAL (Theatre Educator Association) since 2009. Unlike previous years, Dramakala 2019 was held at LSPR Transpark-Juanda on 6th to 8th September 2019, which also commemorates its 8th anniversary. Dramakala called participants to perform either short drama, and monologue performances.

Teater Belati showcasing theatre performance about capitalism

Dramakala 2019 invites performers from both theatre groups and individuals, as well of Jakarta and outside. These groups were namely Teater Genta Bahana (Banten), Teater Gates, Teater Gerimis, Teater Gerobak, and Karat Teater Jakarta. Individual participants were Yuanditra, Moch Aloian, Harisah, Billid Traianto, and many more. Participants can perform their piece from any genres, whether they are contemporary or traditional.

Judges and audience of Dramakala Festival 2019 on awarding night

Gerobak Teater, for instance, performed a piece themed labor works in the capitalist society. While Sanggar Ruang Budaya showcased the traditional Lenong Betawi with a hint of modernity, however succeeded to deliver this fun and comical anecdote of Indonesian natives. Alviandhika Putra, audience of Dramakala 2019, when asked about the most memorable performance answered, “Uul is my favorite. She did a monologue of this grandmother telling her past love story with this character Kang Karnain. She was only 30 years old yet pulled an act of a 72 grand-mother”. Additionally, Yuanditra performed a story of a funeral with properties using coffin and mattocks.

Mrs. Dina Kristina Wempi gave opening speech about IDEAL and commencing Dramakala with her peers on Dramakala Awarding Night 2019

“What we are trying to tell is that theatre is not exclusively for the elites. But everyone can perceive theatre from a more broadened point of view. Hence we created IDEAL and it reaches its 8th year now,” explains Mrs. Dina Kristina Wempi as founder of IDEAL on her opening speech. Dramakala 2019 competition is awarded with Prita Award, an award that gives winners funds, aiming for performers to keep improving in making the theatre industry bigger.

Mrs. Laksmi Notokusumo announcing the nominees for Monologue category

Judges of this competition came from various theatre institutions and actors. For monologue category, were namely Mrs. Ribka Maulina Salibia (Actress), Mr. Aries Wijaya (Actor), Ms. Laksmi Notokusumo (Actress, Director, and Choreographer). For short drama category, judges were Mr. Harris Priadie Bah (Director), Mr. Irwan Guntary (Actor, Indonesian Arts & Culture Institute, Director), and Mr. Yoyo Cahyo Durahman (Actor, Director, Indonesian Arts & Culture Institute).

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR gave speech about LSPR as platform for theatre industry

Mr. Harris, before announcing Prita Award winners for Dramakala 2019 explained, “theatre has to communicable for the audience. You are competing and performing in a communication campus hence, you cannot ever betray your audience. Every theatre act needs to has a message, no matter how extreme; say dances; you still need to have values that is understandable by the audience”.

Finally, winners of Dramakala 2019 Prita Award are:

Best Actor Winner:

  1. Agus – Teater Prabu (Best Actor)
  2. Dian Adiansyah – Teater Prabu (Nominee)
  3. Jundan Firdaus – Teater Gates (Nominee)

Best Actress winner:

  1. Tika Aulia Wijaga, Peran Ibu – Teater Gates (Best Actress)
  2. Nurhaiti, Peran Anak Jaga – Teater Gates (Nominee)
  3. Widya Masna, Asisten Sutradara – Teater Karat (Nominee)

Best Director:

  1. Dian Adiansyah – Teater Prabu (Best Director)
  2. Beja Hariadi – Teater Karat (Nominee)
  3. Heritani – Teater (Nominee)

Winner of Best Group in Dramakala Festival 2019

Best group:

  1. Teater Prabu (Best Group)
  2. Teater Gates
  3. Teater Karat

Winner of Best Actress and Actors in Dramakala Festival 2019

Best Monologue:

  1. Uul, – (Best Monologue)
  2. Sammy, Gheppetto
  3. Mochamad Alfian, Pedagang Kaki Lima
  4. Alhane, –
  5. Riri Assad, Inang Nango
