The Entrepreneur Diaries with Prita Kemal Gani is a 30 minutes TV program Lifestyle talkshow that will be aired on @lxprjakarta. The Talkshow was directly guided by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder Director LSPR & – Jakarta) which is a public relations figure, educator and entrepreneur. This will raise the profile of a talkshow self-employed and will discuss the principle of life, achievements and challenges to be an entrepreneur. In addition, there will be recorded segments of  the activities of the resource person used as VT.

Lena Thong gave tips and trick how to be an success entrepreneur

LXPR is a media owned by LSPR as creative works of the students in campus as a convergence of the portal. LXPR itself can be accessed through This program focuses on University students active in the activities of the Club LSPR LSPR TV, News and Radio LSPR.

Vincentius Lianto, founder and Chairman of D&V Medika showed their bed for the patient

The production of the talk show was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall on 6-7 March 2018. This talkshow was launched with the cutting of Rice Cone “Tumpengan”,  with Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR and the whole crew of the program. During these two days, the process of tapping has produced 4 episodes at a time with different interviewees.

Took selfie together with Niko Al Hakim

Episode produced were from the stories of the following guest speakers for this talkshow such as;

  1. Lena Thong – CEO of Marquee Executive Office
  2. Vincentius Lianto – Founder and Chairman of D&V Medika
  3. Michelle Elizabeth Surjaputra – CEO and Founder of Michellindo Food International
  4. Niko Al Hakim – Founder and Owner of Sate Taichan Goreng

Michelle Elizabeth Surjaputra gave information about her accomplishments