Hello, Agent of Change!☘️ Environmental Month is back! This time, there are 7 challenges that you have to do from the beginning to the end and all activities are only done through Instagram Stories! This challenge can be done by all LSPR Communication and Business Institute students🤩


For everyone who successfully follow all the challenges from start to finish will get an e-certificate and have the opportunity to win prizes with a total of 500 thousand rupiah for the 5 best participants✨‼️


Don’t forget to follow the rules before doing the challenge, Agent of Change!☘️

✨Must follow LSPR 4C’ Instagram @lspr_4c

✨Like and save this post

✨Mention 3 of your friends in the comments

✨Share this post to your Instagram story, tag @lspr_4c and tag 3 of your friends


The winner will be announced on March 29, 2022. So what are you waiting for, join us, Agent of Change!☘️✨

















