”To be a role model of faculty of business in the development and application of business in Indonesia and recognized Internationally”.
1.Produces graduates who are competent, independent, innovative, creative and have special skills in business that are able to compete globally.
2. Conduct basic and applied research for the advancement of science, especially in business.
3. Contribute the expertise in the field of business for the benefit of community.
4. Improving academic quality based on National and International standards.
Collaboration Between LSPR
and Alibaba Supported by Lazada
The Establishment of Faculty of Business
The establishment of Faculty of Business aims to meet the needs of labor and to anticipate the business opportunities at the national, regional and world levels. The Faculty of Business will be a place of learning for students and also a medium of dialogue about career development with industry, government, and other academic institutions throughout the world. In addition, LSPR Communication & Business Institute has strategic partnerships with leading universities and companies around the world which will support students to obtain a high quality of education Internationally.
News Update
Collaboration Between LSPR Communication and Business Institute with Alibaba Global Initiatives and Lazada Southeast Asia
Collaboration Between LSPR Communication and Business Institute with Alibaba Global Initiatives and Lazada Southeast Asia On March 31, 2020 Alibaba Global Initiatives, LSPR Communication & Business Institute have collaboration in Global eCommerce Talent (GET) program. [...]
Sebagai salah satu penyumbang devisa Negara terbesar dan menjadi Industri dengan pertumbuhan yang paling cepat di dunia, Pariwisata dan Perhotelan kini tengah manjadi sorotan. Selain menjadikan 10 Destinasi Prioritas atau sering disebut The New Bali, [...]
Learn On How To Create The Best Values, Solution, and Profit For Your Business
Istilah Entrepreneur semakin hari semakin lekat kita dengar. Istilah ini tumbuh beriringan dengan segala pembaharuan yang ada di sekitar kita. Menariknya. Pembaharuan ini lahir melalui ragam bisnis yang muncul pada era digital ini. Facebook yang [...]
Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR telah melakukan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman Bersama (MoU) dengan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif pada tanggal 17 September 2021. MoU ini ditandatangani oleh Rektor Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR, Dr. Andre Ikhsano M.Si dan Sekretaris Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif , Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani. Kerjasama ini meliputi Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam ruang lingkup Pertukaran Informasi, pembinaan peningkatan SDM Pariwisata, Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata, Pengembangan dan perencanaan kebijakan Pariwisata sampai dengan pengembangan promosi pariwisata.
Dalam penandatangan tersebut juga Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno memberikan pesan kepada segenap Civitas Academica Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR sebagai pemegang amanah dalam Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi dan khususnya mahasiswa sebagai agent of change untuk berperan penting dalam pemulihan perekonomian nasional dan sektor pariwisata.
Founder & CEO LSPR Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR menyampaikan pada tahun 2021, LSPR juga telah melaksanakan beberapa program dengan kemenparekraf seperti kuliah umum Fakultas Bisnis dengan topik new direction & Strategies for recovery of Indonesian Tourism, workshop mengenai understanding basic intellectual property right for entrepreneur pada program inkubator kewirausahaan LSPR dan bersama Prodi Pariwisata menyelenggarakan Digital Tourism Competition 2021 (Kompetisi Foto, Video dan Digital Illustration) dengan tema “Kharima Event Nusantara” . Hal tersebut menjadi bukti nyata bahwa LSPR berkontribusi dan berkolaborasi dengan Kemenparekraf dalam pemulihan sektor pariwisata.
The mentorship programme aims to provide a knowledge and experience for the Business Faculty students to be able to realize their business concepts and help to ensure their business development is linear from time to time. Several LSPR alumni who have been successful as entrepreneurs and experts from various national and global companies will share valuable insights about business in a mentorship program so that students of the Faculty of Business can seize the opportunities and make business decisions appropriately.
The Mentorship Program will collaborate with the Center for ASEAN Creative Studies (CACS), is an institution or unit of the LSPR Communication & Business Institute, which provides several programs for students designed to guide, develop and accelerate the success of business development, especially in the creative industry through a series of mentoring programs, and the capital that is followed by cross-sector partnership support.