An instructor of the program YES Academy ASEAN, Fabian Saucedo, has collaborated with the London School of Public Relations – Jakarta (LSPR) students to run the program during the event @america that was held on 12 – 13 March 2017, Jakarta.

FARBEON showed his hip hop performances
Fabian Saucedo or Farbeon is a Hip-Hop artist, educator and agent of change that epitomizes Hip-Hop Renaissance. As a poet, emcee, singer and photographer, he has graced stages, panels and classrooms across the United States and beyond. Farbeon has released 5 records, including his debut album “Collective Memory” produced by Foundation (1090 Records). It remains top for 12 years after it has been released. More so, Farbeon has been touring abroad since 2008.

A plaque of appreciation to United States of America Embbassy
A collaborative program between Farbeon and LSPR Dance and London School Beyond Academy (LSBA) students is a workshop regarding Hip-Hop Lyricism, Performance, and Music Production. All people interested in the event could participate even without any Hip-Hop music background. The progress of workshop is possible to watch at @america on March 13.

FARBEON got a plaque of appreciation from LSPR – Jakarta
It was a pleasure for Farbeon to shoot the performance of Hip-Hop pioneers, practitioners and all participants at concerts, exhibitions, workshops and cipher-jam sessions from over the world. After, Farbeon has exhibited the work in New York City at La Galleria, La MaMa, B.O.B. Bar and the Bronx Music Heritage Center. Farbeon’s photos and writings have been featured both in print and digital media, including the House of World Cultures (Berlin, DE) publication Translating Hip-Hop.