On December 1, 2016, the London School of Public Relations – Jakarta held its annual graduation ceremony for class of 2016. This event is held at the Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton – Jakarta Pacific Place and attended by approximately 1,046 students. Because of the number of graduates is quite a lot, this event was divided into two sessions. For the morning session it was attended by students from three majors undergraduate programs, namely: Mass Communication, DMCA, Performing Arts Communication.
Then, there are also some students from three majors graduate programs, namely: Mass Media Management, Marketing Communication, Corporate Communications, International Relations Communication. And also some students from the London School Beyond Academy.
Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si delivered his speech proud with all the graduates
In the morning session of the event opened with a procession of the senate and continued with speeches from Chairman Graduation Events, Mr. Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si. He said that from the force in 2016, there were 92% of students who graduate on time, 40% among them already have jobs, 50% had ipk 3.00 to 3.50, and 24% had a cum laude GPA of 3.51 or above.
Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR giving an opening speech and congratulate all graduates
Then, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR also gave her opening speech. She congratulated the students who have already graduated, and commanded them all to use and practice the knowledge gained during their stay at LSPR.
Mr. Chairul Tanjung as keynote speaker encouraging the graduates to keep up in the the workplace
Then there is also Mr. Chairul Tanjung, CEO of CT Corporation. He gave a message to the graduates that at the present time, competition among individuals getting tougher to find a job, therefore they have to think out of the box and keep the spirit. Dr. Paul Smith, Country Director British Council Indonesia, also congratulated the graduates and said he was very happy to be invited into a graduation ceremony held by one of the best college which he had visited in Indonesia, namely: LSPR. Dr. Ir. Illah Sailah, Ms also gave her speech and congratulations to all the graduates.
Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani give an appreciation to Mr. Paul Smith as keynote speaker
Then the ceremony continued with the giving of appreciation by Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani as Chairman of Yayasan Pesona Pribadi Sejahtera to Mr Chairul Tanjung, Dr. Paul Smith, and Dr. Illah Sailah, MS.
a graduates inducted as a master of communication
Then, the announcement of best student from each department. Best students from undergraduate programme are:
Public Relations
1. Syieren Susanto
2. Agree Cory
3. Catherine Viorenza Samuel
Marketing Communication
1. Benny Satrya Bonardy
2. Nga Juliany Chin
3. Claudia Faustine Sugianto
Mass Communication
1. Vivi Junior
2. Angelina
3. Shella Dwimelita
1. Maria Ulfa
2. Grace
3. Fifinella Felita
Performing Arts Communication
1. Greta Ariati Mulyosantoso
2. Alif Quita Nopianty
3. Karina Syahna
International Relations
1. Irma Novia Astrilita
2. Marry Marsela
3. Hiskia Majesty Pandin from .
The graduates vows Alma mater pledge
Whereas for postgraduate programs are:
Acceleration Programme
1. Siska Indah Pratiwi
2. Dino
Professional Programme
1. Thuy Duong Nguyen
2. Ghassani Herstanti
Best students from Post Graduates Programme
Then the event continued with the inauguration of the graduates, and almamater pledge.
Graduates from concentration of Mass Communication
We wish the graduates can use the knowledge they gained during college as best as possible and always be successful.