15 May 2016 London School Beyond present Musical Drama titled berjudul Grease The Musical at 16.00 – 18.00 in Prof. Dr. Djajusman  Auditorium & Performance Hall LSPR Jakarta.

The main casts, Danny and Sandy

The main casts, Danny and Sandy

Actors who performed in this drama musical are the London School Beyond Academy students who have been trained with the dialogue, singing, dancing and acting supervised by Department of Performing Arts of Communication and a popular choreographer, Ari Tulang.

The performer of Grease The Musical is the students of LSBA

The performer of Grease The Musical is the students of LSBA

Grease told the story about young couple in the 70s named Danny and Sandy began to fall in love during a summer holiday in Australia. But they must separate for the summer holidays have ended and they had to move back to their own country. Nevertheless, fate brings them back because Sandy move to Danny’s School in America, but their relationship went sour because of dignity. This drama musical was entertaining and interactive performances, the actors invited all the audience to dance along with them.

Grease the Musical was choreograph by one of Indonesia Creative person, Mr. Ari Tulang

Grease the Musical was choreograph by one of Indonesia Creative person, Mr. Ari Tulang

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR, Mr. Kemal Gani, Raysha and all the cast & Crew at curtain call

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR, Mr. Kemal Gani, Raysha and all the cast & Crew at curtain call

This event is a series of Autism Awareness Festival 8 that aims to create opportunities for children with special needs to be creative, competitive and to gain achievement. It also provides insight to the public about the special needs for people to accept people with special needs. (Citra)