In the spirit of Eid, last Sunday 9th of July 2017, LSPR held an annual event “Halal Bihalal 2017” at Parking Lot Campus B. This event was attended by all lecturers and staff LSPR and also their families. Not only had the Halal Bihalal, at this occasion LSPR also celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary with the theme; “Silver Journey of LSPR: Enjoying 25 years of togetherness”.

The registration opened at 9am and take the coupon for playground if they come along with the kids

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani and Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani doing cutting the nasi tumpeng for celebrated LSPR 25th Anniversary

The staff and lecturers that has been 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years dedication in LSPR

The event was opened by opening speech from Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR and Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani (Founder of Yayasan Pesona Pribadi Sejahtera). And then, LSPR gave an appreciation to the lecturers and staff who become a part of LSPR Family for 5,10,15,20, and 25 years. The event continued with LSPR Family Got Talent and Standup Comedy performance by the staff and lecturers.

Ms. Dhita, Mr. Aditya Nugroho and their daughter, Teduh sang for LSPR Got Talent Competition

Lunch together with the big family of LSPR

Ms. Prita Kemal Gani and Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani greet all the family who came to Halal Bihalal & family gathering 2017

Beside the event in Parking Lot Campus B, LSPR also provides a playground for kids in the classroom on 2nd floor. The event was closed with lunch and Halal Bihalal with Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani and Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani. (Nurul/Galih/Kristo)