Jakarta – The charm and spirit of entrepreneurship is now creeping into the air in Kelurahan Tengah, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta because LSPR students filled the event at the activities carried out by Jakarta Entrepreneur together with Kelurahan Tengah in order to introduce the seminar which will be held on July 7 by inviting 30 micro, small and medium enterprises to take part in activities at RPTRA Dahlia. The festival, which is now becoming an inspiration magnet, took place for two consecutive days, starting from June 22-23, 2023. DKI Jakarta’s 496th Anniversary became a joyful event in the CANGKUL x Jakarta Entrepreneur Festival, realizing activities that support and enlighten Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (“UMKM”) people in developing their business potential.
The series of the CANGKUL Festival that took place at RPTRA Dahlia, Kelurahan Tengah was warmly welcomed by Mr. Heru Budi Hartono, as the PJ Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mrs. Budy Hartati, as the Head of Kelurahan Tengah, Kramat Jati, Mr. Benyamin Tambunan, as the management of Jakarta Entrepreneur, Febe Nathaline, as the head of the CANGKUL event, and the enthusiasm of the residents in enlivening this event. The participation of Kelurahan Tengah as well as the support from Jakarta Entrepreneur by providing 15 tents for 30 micro, small and medium enterprises shows dedication and commitment in building a strong community and supporting the development of local micro, small and medium enterprises. The CANGKUL Festival also featured fun games and attractive door prizes, such as shopping vouchers for residents who participated well, thus encouraging the enthusiasm of residents during the event. In addition, residents could explore 15 bazaar tents filled with local micro, small and medium enterprises to introduce unique and quality products to event visitors. These micro, small and medium enterprises promoted diverse and creative products, consisting of PKK Kel. Tengah, Mozhaik Craft, Sogar Juice, Resep Ibu-kedai Soto Bang mimih, Zuppasoup Bu Ela, Ridella Snack and Food, Atiek cakes and cookies, Dapur Nung Harun, Manaf Resto, Sabest, Shofia foods, Sahabat dimsum, Citarasa Food and Drink, Dapur Sehati, Wah Boom, Reasti, Mamah dagang, Dappur umma fahris, Zuppa cuuph, Kvelia fashion, Ratna rajut, Cusmi, Felice cookies, Qheys production, Various flavors of ice inerbang, Sintan, Raffaza, Liez Kitchen which also graced the CANGKUL Festival in the midst of the residents of Kelurahan Tengah.
CANGKUL Festival was also enlivened by special performances from several LSPR clubs such as LSPR Band and LSPR Dance. The music and energetic movements filled the stage of the event, creating an atmosphere full of enthusiasm for the residents in following the series of festival events.
“By seeing the enthusiasm of the community in enlivening the Cangkul x Jakarta Entrepreneur Festival, this event is clear evidence that the people of Kelurahan Tengah and its surroundings support and appreciate local micro, small and medium enterprises,” said the Chief Supervisor of the event, Zhafran Tsany Yudizon. “In addition, the spirit of collaboration and togetherness in building this community should be appreciated.” he added.
“It’s great that there can be activities like this in Kelurahan Tengah, it really encourages the spirit for us residents to dare to start and learn business,” said Siti, one of the residents of Kelurahan Tengah.
During this festival, we have come together to celebrate creativity and cooperation in developing local MSMEs while talking and gathering. With the end of the CANGKUL Festival activities, there is hope that the CANGKUL Seminar held on July 7, 2023 can build enthusiasm and provide benefits for local MSME players in implementing the material presented by renowned resource person, Celine Wisuna, into businesses managed by residents around the Central Village. Together, we can realize our dreams and bring positive changes to local micro, small, and medium enterprises!