Jakarta – Completing the 29th Anniversary celebrations, LSPR Communication and Business Institute Tourism Study Program was collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (KEMENPAREKRAF) as a form of concern for Indonesian tourism. The kick off of the Digital Tourism Competition 2021 entitled “Kharisma Event Nusantara” was held on Friday, 2 July, 2021 through a digital platform, Zoom and broadcasted live on LSPR Institute’s YouTube channel, LSPR TV.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR invites all young people to participate in this competition for the sake of Indonesian tourism
The kick off of the Digital Tourism Competition was held as a form of inauguration of a national scale competition and so that all Indonesian students are expected to know and participate. This launch was attended by Ir. Rizki Handayani (Deputy of Tourism Products and Events KEMENPAREKRAF) who was also a speaker in this activity. Then Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder & CEO of LSPR Institute) also attended to give an inspirational speech, as well as Mrs. Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M. (Dean of Business Faculty LSPR Institute) gave a speech when the event started.

Mrs. Yuliana R Prasetyawati, M.M as the Dean of the LSPR Insititute Faculty of Business gave a warm welcome when the kick off event started
Inviting all young Indonesians to participate and care about tourism in Indonesia, especially when getting a very significant impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, LSPR Institute and KEMENPAREKRAF took the initiative to create a digital competition. Whereas, this competition relies on the creativity of young people through photos, videos and digital illustrations about tourism in Indonesia.
It is hoped that this competition will increase public awareness in rebuilding Indonesian tourism, as well as promote and introduce Tourism Events in Indonesia and provide information about the Faculty of Business at LSPR. In addition, this competition is a means of socializing the CHSE protocol in organizing activities or events. Primarily, with this event, it is hoped that it can help move the national economy which has been slumped due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ir. Rizki Handayani Mustafa, MBTM from the Deputy Minister for Tourism Products and Events of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as a speaker at the Kick Off Digital Tourism Competition
This competition is intended for all Indonesian citizens (WNI), especially high school or vocational students (15-18 years old). Exploring the creativity of young people for Indonesian tourism is another reason this competition took place. This series of competitions started from kick off on 2 July 2021, as the opening of registration via this link https://bit.ly/REGDigitalTourismCompetition2021 which then the competition period took place on 2 July – 6 August 2021, where all participants must upload their work digitally through their respective Instagram and make sure the Instagram account is not in private mode (protected account) and submit the narration via caption of the posts using the hashtag #KharismaEventNusantara2021 #TourismLSPR #LSPRTourismDigitalCompetition2021 and registration will be closed on 6 August, 2021.
Meanwhile, the period of judgement by the jury will take place on 9-20 August 2021. Included in this series, on 17 August 2021, the top 10 best participants belonging to 3 categories will be displayed in the event Digital Artspace.Kunsmatrix.com. Thus, the culmination of this series of activities will fall on 27 August 2021, the Awarding Ceremony.
Kharisma Event 2021 has its own advantages and uniqueness, because it will summarise various kinds of events that exist in all provinces in Indonesia, from the small village to the province level.
The following categories of events are contested:
- Maluku Utara: Festival Teluk Jailolo
- Bali – Denpasar: Pesta Kesenian Bali
- Bali – Ubud: Ubud Writers & Readers Festival
- Sumatera Utara – Bukit Singgolom: Toba Caldera World Music Festival
- Banda Aceh: Aceh Culinary Festival
- Jawa Tengah – Klaten: Festival Payung Indonesia
- DKI Jakarta: Jakarta Dessert Week
- Jawa Timur – Banyuwangi: Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival
- Jawa Barat – Majalengka: Ceramic Music Festival
- D.I. Yogyakarta: Ngayogjazz
It should also be noted that although this competition was held digitally, the judges’ assessment will be carried out carefully and strictly. The criteria for judging the jury are, among others, looking at the originality of the work, creativity, innovative work, characteristics as well as a good narrative.

All participants of the Kick Off Digital Tourism Competition took a group photo at the end of the event
For each category, namely Photo Competition, Video Competition, and Digital Illustration Competition, 3 winners will be selected from each and receive various attractive prizes, as follows: Trophy, Certificate Award, and Millions of Rupiah in cash. No less interesting, participants who were selected to be in the top 30 will receive fascinating merchandise from LSPR Institute and KEMENPAREKRAF.