LSPR Climate Change Champions Club (4C) & KMB Pramudita LSPR held a seminar on 2023, October 9th. Located in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium, LSPR Sudirman Park campus. This talk show persuades the audience to live as vegetarians because it is considered healthier and environmentally friendly. This event was held by LSPR 4C and KMB Pramudita LSPR presented Dr. Drs. Susianto, MKM., and Annabella Jusuf as the speakers. The event, held by the community club from LSPR, was successfully attended by people who were interested in this topic and also protecting the environment by living a healthy life.

LSPR’s SDGs ambassadors from the LSPR Communication & Business Institute
The event “Vegetarian Festival” supported the third, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth SDGs points. These four points focus on how to keep city life sustainable with climate action. This event was also attended by SDGs ambassadors from the LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Mr. Rizky Kurniawan Tribowo and Ms. Keyshia Hianusa.

Discussion Session about the Talkshow’s Topic
At this event, the guest star, Mr. Susianto explained that being a vegetarian is not always about eating vegetables and fruit or even foods that are not delicious to eat. If vegetarians only eat the foods mentioned previously, he said “I also don’t want to be a vegetarian if that’s what the food is like”. Meanwhile, Annabella Jusuf tends to state that actually being a vegetarian in Indonesia is not difficult. This is because according to him, finding food that contains vegetable protein is not difficult, such as tempeh, tofu, and so on.

Question and Answer Session with Vegetarian Festival’s Session

Photo Session with Vegetarian Festival’s Speaker
Mr. Susianto provides an explanation of what foods are nutritious and how well vegetarian food can replace and provide nutrition for a person without or minimally consuming foods containing meat. After explaining this, the event closed with a question and answer session regarding the topic of today’s talk show. Apart from that, this event also closed with a photo session with the attendees and the speakers along with the committee of the “Vegetarian Festival” talk show.
Documentation by Wiradeffa & Kelly Meilyana
Article by Alivia Ichsania Yuanani