Jakarta – Faculty of Communication is proud to present the Final Presentation Communication Plan for the Education Indonesia education platform and the GDVET (German standard Dual Vocational Training) and Training Pool which was also attended by representatives of the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID) i.e. Mr. Jan Roennfeld as Managing Director and Ms. Ute Brokmann as Deputy Managing Director Head of Training and Education. On that occasion also the presence of Mr. Rendro Dhani, Ph.D as the Deputy Head of the Public Relations & Digital Communication Study Program who gave the Opening Remarks. In his message Mr. Rendro expressed his gratitude and positively welcomed this activity because it would provide students with good experience and understanding to find out how the Communication Plan can be implemented properly according to the industry and the real field. He also stated that this opportunity could be a valuable portfolio for students.

Group 1
In this activity, there were two groups who carried out their presentations, which were mentored by Ms Sylvia A Ronnfeld & Mr. Maulandiki Dhani. Each presentation consists of exposure to 5 Stages of PR Planning (Research, Designing Event, Planning & Execution, Coordination & Implementation, Evaluation). The first group consisting of Angeline Olivia Prasetya, Kayla Maura Sabina, Ni Wayan Laksmi Aditia Gayatri & Jordan Islami Wirama submitted proposed activities for the Pre Event, Main Event & Post Event consisting of Social Media Post, Paid Advertisement, Video Marketing, Video Teaser, Website Teaser, Webinars and initiated the use of the hashtag #educathink. Meanwhile, the second group consisting of Adella Nathania, Janet Kurnia, Karina Eunike, Intan Putri, Michailin Natasha & Tiffany Vania proposed several activities consisting of collaborative projects, social media activities, press conferences & webinars.

Group 2
Through his response Mr. Ronnfeld said that the ideas presented were very interesting and he appreciated the efforts and performances made by the two groups in preparing the Communication Plan materials. While Ms. Brokmann said that appreciation should be given to both groups for having prepared a very detailed and creative Communication Plan. In the announcement, it was stated that the winner in making the Communication Plan for this educational platform was Group 2 which had more detailed activity programs. Mr. Ronnfeld also offered the opportunity to join the implementation of the Education Indonesia website for the two groups in the form of an Internship Program. In closing, Ms. Sylvia said that both groups could continue to be motivated in the future.

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