Jakarta – Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM) Korwil Jabodetabek presents the Jambore Nasional Komunikasi (JNK 2020). News Anchor & Presenter competition was held with the title of ‘Adaptasi Disiplin Ilmu Komunikasi di Masa Normal Baru’. This event is the result of the collaboration between ASPIKOM Korwil Jabodetabek and LSPR Communication & Business Institute, and the STIAMI Social Sciences and Management Institute.
Every active student and individual can participate in the News Anchor & Presenter competition. The participants certainly are not presenters, news anchors and have never had any contracts with local or national TV and radio stations. To participate in this competition, each university can send more than 1 applicant. Registration can be done through this link http://bit.ly/PAJNK2020 until 31 October 2020.
In the preliminary round, participants who have registered can make videos according to the content directed in this competition. News delivery for the news anchor category or television programs for the presenter category. The video of the preliminary round material will be uploaded via Youtube. The News Anchor & Presenter competition will then continue to the semi-finals and finals, and culminate in the announcement of the winners on 16 December. Winners will be divided according to competition categories and will win as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd champions and 1st, 2nd, 3rd contenders for each category.
Three familiar names who have contributed to the mass media industry also participated in this activity, those names are Bernadetha Ginting (iNewsTV News Anchor & IKB LSPR Alumni), Gustav Aulia (Strategic Communications Consultant & Lecturer at IKB LSPR), Wulan Furrie (Head of Communication Management Study Program, STIAMI Institute and TV Presenter). The three of them will give the best assessment for each participant in the competition category which is held to enliven this ASPIKOM event. ASPIKOM is an association that brings together higher education managers in communication science groups / fields both at the departmental level and study programs all throughout Indonesia.
Mr. Dendy Muris, M.Si as Coordinator stated that this competition was held to develop student competencies in the field of communication science. “This event is a combination of various competitions for universities throughout Indonesia. This series of activities will be closed with the 2020 National Communication Jamboree Award Night. Hopefully, this event in general can be a forum for students in universities throughout Indonesia to be able to show their talents in the field of News Anchor and Presenter, “he explained.