Jakarta – After the successful event last year, World Comm Malaysia in collaboration with ASEAN PR Network (APRN) supported by Institute PR Malaysia and Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management once again held The Kuala Lumpur International PR Conference (KLIP 2021) bringing together international delegates to Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia on 1 December 2020 in a Live Webinar format from 08.30 am – 5 pm Malaysia Time.
With the theme is “UNIQUE TIMES & TACTICS : COMMUNICATING BRANDS, COMPANIES & PERSONALITIES BEYOND 2020”, the International Conference was attended by the PR practitioners around the world from the CEO’s Company Directors, PR professionals, PR Agencies and others.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR and the other speakers
There were 14 speakers from all over the world; Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, New Zealand, Brazil, Spain and many more. These speakers are PR Professionals, there were Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR – President of APRN that talked about “PROFITS, ETHICS AND TRANSPARENCY IN THE PR WORLD: How Companies Drive Their Businesses Forward and Profit from Ethics and Transparency Beyond 2020.”, Mandy Pearse MBA, FCIPR – President of Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) UK with topic “EMERGING FROM A CRISIS: One Organisation’s Case Study During and Post Movement Control Order”, H.E. Chang Beom Kim – Former Korean Ambassador to Indonesia talked about “IN LOVE WITH SAMSUNG, BTS & PARASITE? Waking up to Korea’s Global Communication Evolution” and many more.