Jakarta Friday, October School Beyond Acad15, 2021, LSPR Jakarta together with LP3M Publishing and the London emy held a book launch and review to ‘Panduan Bermedia Sosial dan Literasi Digital untuk Orang Tua dengan Remaja Autistik‘ which was held from 10.00 to 12.00. The book written by Dr. Christina, Dr. Yolanda Stellarosa, and Hersinta, Ph.D. The book also part of the ‘Seri Literasi Digital Japelidi’. The event was held on the zoom platform and was guided by MC Matra Wardhana and Moderator Hersinta, Ph. D.

The event started with remarks from Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as the Founder and CEO of the LSPR Institute, and Santi Indra Astuti, SSos, MSi who is part of the ‘Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital’. Then the event continued with the presentation of the contents of the book by Dr. Christina and Dr. Yolanda Stellarosa who is also the author of the book Panduan Bermedia Sosial dan Literasi Digital untuk Orang Tua dengan Remaja Autistik‘. Dr. Christina and Dr. Yolanda Stellarosa explain the contents of the book and its relationship to the changes experienced by adolescents on the austistic spectrum.

Placards giving to speaker

The book review was then continued by Dr. Adriana S. Ginanjar, M.S. which discusses ranging from psychological aspects in books to the role of parents in digital literacy for adolescents with the autistic spectrum. Dr. Adriana S. Ginanjar, M.S. also mentions what are interesting things on the internet for teenagers. The discussion was then continued by Dra. Siti Nuraini Purnamwati, M.Sp.Ed. who gave his opinion on the book ‘Guide to Social Media and Digital Literacy for Parents with Autistic Adolescents’ by saying that this book is a unique & useful book.

Finally, the book review ended with a question and answer session between the speakers and participants. Then lastly, the event closed with a session of distributing placards to the speakers and taking a group photo.

The Participants


written by Abel