Jakarta – After this series of webinars; Weaving Fabrics and Lake Toba Webinar. We’ve arrived at the main event of LSPR Bizfest 2022 “Virtual Exhibition Business Prototype” which was held last Saturday, 12th of February 2022 via zoom platform. This event is in collaboration with LSPR Business Faculty as their means to promote the business ideas they have created.

Opening remarks by Dr. (HC) Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR.
Managed by Royal enterprise, this event was led by Mr. Wira and Ms. Maharisti as MCs of the LSPR Bizfest Virtual Exhibition. This event started with the opening remarks from Mr. Maulibian Perdana Putra, MBA. as Vice Head of Undergraduate Program in Business Service and continued with an Inspirational Speech by Mrs. Dr. (HC). Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR. as Founder and CEO of LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

The presentation material
Furthermore, it was followed by the core event of the LSPR Bizfest 2022, namely the Virtual Exhibition Showcase which was followed by 28 Idea Business Prototypes by LSPR Business Faculty students including Mediatrix Mental Art, Swakarya, Lucky For Thrift, Aesthekicks, Zetstuff, Meets Me, Glassbomb , Watch My Scene, Chic-khen, Onably Gamja, Hans Wings, Klav Beauty Mask, Br3w, Arthrology, Champion, Common House, Native +62, The Dhamrily Scent, Secret Ayu, Scholar Custom, Bag This Up, Oat Me Up, and also Aroetala. The participants also briefly presented their business ideas to the participants in this exhibition. So the participants have an idea of what they make, whether it’s a digital platform business idea, applications, food, beauty products, fashion, and so on.

The speakers
This event also has a second main agenda, namely Pitch Deck Presentation which was attended by 9 participants of Business Prototype Idea. Where they have to present their business ideas briefly and interestingly in front of the judges, namely Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Pesona Abadi Sejahtera Foundation, Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D as Vice Rector III of the LSPR Communication & Business Institute, and also Mr. Resiyaman Patrick, MIB. As Lecturer of the LSPR Communication & Business Institute. The 9 Prototype Business Ideas that participated in the Pitch Deck presentation were Swakarya, Br3w, Aesthekicks, Arthology, Meets Me, Champion, Chic-khen, Oat Me Up, and Hans Wing.
LSPR Bizfest was also enlivened by performances from the LSPR Teatro and also the LSPR Band, and sponsored by Bank OCBC NISP Syariah. Before this event ended, LSPR Bizfest also presented “Freshman’s Business Idea ” which is a sneak peak for LSPR Bizfest in 2023 by New Students of the LSPR Business Faculty. Then proceed with the presentation of placards to the event sponsors and the judges who have supported this event. This event ended with a Closing Statement from Mrs. Yuliana R. Prasetiyawati, MM as the Dean of the Faculty of Business, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business.
A little information, the three best participants in the Pitch Deck Presentation LSPR Bizfest will get prizes in the form of money, which is divided into 3, 1st place worth Rp750.000, 2nd place worth Rp500.000, and 3rd place worth Rp250.000. The winners will be announced on 16 February 2022 on the @lspr_bizfest Instagram account.
Article by Farida