Jakarta – LSPR Communication and Business Institute has successfully held the 2nd LSPR-DMU 2nd Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Conference, Film Workshop, Festival and Awarding on 17 December and 18 December 2020! LSPR as the host University last year 2019 successfully held the 1st SDG Conference, Filmmaking Workshop, Festival and Awards Night at LSPR Transpark, But this year Due to Pandemic our University Partner from DMU together with their students cannot visit us here at LSPR Communication and Business Institute for another International Workshop on Filmmaking and thus agreed to conduct the 2nd SDG Conference, Filmmaking Workshop, Festival and Awarding Virtually. SDGFilmfest was formed in response to a film project run by LSPR and DMU back on 2018 in Bali, Indonesia. Participants recognised the sheer scope and importance of global challenges such as equality, the environment, human and civil rights, and the need to raise awareness of these issues within Developing Nations and the West to facilitate their achievement.

The title of the topic discussed
SDGFilmfest is funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund and held by the LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Indonesia. As the project grows, the film festival will expand to cover additional territories as part of its wider mission and reach. Future festivals are anticipated to take place in Malaysia, China, Thailand, Nigeria and India over the next five years. This year, SDG Conference discuss the topics about The Global Promotion and Mediation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals especially within the COVID-19 pandemic with delegates: Mariana Abreu Political Scientist, Chamber of Deputies Brazilian Parliament And Bárbara Cruz, Political Aide, Chamber of Deputies Brazilian Parliament discussing about ‘United Nations SDG on Gender Equality and Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies through the Analysis of Speeches and Legislative Bills’ Dr Steven Graham, Assistant Professor. Director, English Preparatory Program – American University of Phnom Penh, ‘Promoting Sustainable Development Goals to University Students’ Prof. Stuart Price from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre discussing about The Rule of Capital? Private Enterprise, Covid-19, and the Discourse of Recovery. Elisabeth Claudea from LSPR Communication and Business Institute presenting about The Negative Economic Impacts of Covid-19

Dr Ben Harbisher from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre
Dr Ben Harbisher from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre discussing about ‘Critical Sustainability: Dimensions of Social and Political Theory as Responses to the UN SDGs’ Ms Rachel Carter from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre, ‘Citizen Science’: The Role of Factual Entertainment TV in Climate Change, Ecology, and Sustainability Awareness Mr John Coster from Documentary Media Centre, This is me: Taking the audience on your journey’ And last but not the least Mr Rhys Davies – De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre discussing about ‘Transnational filmmaking; a model for filmmaking without borders’ Following the SDG Conference, the SDG Filmmaking Workshop held on 18 December 2020 with a very special guest experts in Film production field, with speakers: Mr. Roderick Cabrido a Director from the Philippines, discussing about The different Modes of Documentary Film Production, New working practices and Tips working under restrictions caused by COVID-19. Mr. Rhys Davies from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre with topic Filmmaking in the new normal; how to maximise opportunities in the Covid era. Dr. Ben Harbisher from De Montfort University Media Discourse Centre with discussion New Cinema Frontiers: The Rise and Fall of Multiplex .

Mr. John Coster from Documentary Media Centre
Mr. John Coster from Documentary Media Centre, Presenting sustainable solutions through documentary media and Dr. Paul Smith from De Montfort University Media from Reflexive: Perfect in a Pandemic. SDG Film Festival and Awarding is an event to celebrate and awarded the excellent film we have received produced by LSPR, DMU, APU, AUPP students. In total of more than 150 film submission, this year awarding ceremony giving away 7 awards such as Documentary Media Centre Showcase Award, #DMUGLOBAL Engagement Award, Aupp Dramatization Or Re-Enactment Award, LSPR PSA Award, Apu Production Award, DMU Environment Award, and Best Overall Film with the total cash prize 1.450 Poundsterling. Here are the winners of SDG Film Festival 2020 held on Friday, 18 December 2020:
Best Overall Film
Sangkar Suminar from LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Indonesia
Plastic Society from De Montfort University, UK
Fast Fashion from Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia
Run for the Future from LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Indonesia
AUPP Dramatization or Re-enactment Award
Sangkar Suminar from LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Indonesia
The Loving Community from De Montfort University, UK
Plastic Waste from American University of Phnom Penh
Congratulations to all the winners for each category! We would also like to thank to our sponsors, Bratpack, Native Shoes, Hydro Flask, Parkland – 5 bag, and Columbia from the Primer Group
We hope the series of the SDG Film Festival, Filmmaking Workshop, and SDG Conference could help and as a small step from each parties to help the U.N. SDG’s objectives to end world hunger, improve healthcare and the provision of education, resolve gender inequality, provide clean water and sanitation, protect the environment, develop affordable energy, create decent work, and to facilitate social justice and peace.
See you again in the next SDG Film Festival!