Jakarta – The Faculty of Communication proudly presents the first-ever Virtual Orientation for LSPR Freshman. This event was held on 18 June 2021 at 08.00 WIB by using the zoom platform. Hosted by Mr Melvin Bonardo Simanjuntak, M.Si, the Assistant Head of Undergraduate Programme in Communication Studies, this event successfully got a positive response because they could meet and get acquainted with each other even if only virtually. This event was attended by approximately 200 participants who were freshman from batch 25 in Communication Studies and Batch 2 in Visual Communication Design Studies. As from other invitees who were present among them were the Dean and Vice Dean of Communication Faculty, the Head of Undergraduate Programme (UGP) in Communication and Visual Communication Design Studies, the Coordinator Deputy Head of UGP in Communication Studies, all of the Deputy Head of UGP and Assistant Head of UGP in Communication Studies.
This event opened by singing the National Anthem ‘Indonesia Raya’ and followed by Hymne of LSPR Communication and Business Institute. It continued with opening remarks from Dr Sri Ulya Suskarwati, the Head of UGP in Communication Studies and Mr Isdananto Oktianur, MA, the Head of UGP in Visual Communication Design Studies. Both of them emphasized the four components of learning achievement; attitude, knowledge, soft and hard skills, which were very important to all the students to achieve successful learning for 4th years ahead in LSPR. They also shared some necessary information about grading details, the use of the SiAkad and EdLink platforms during the teaching and learning process, and minimum grades to graduate from LSPR.
Afterwards, all of the Deputy Head and Assistant Head of UGP from all majors in Communication and Visual Communication Design Studies shared advantages and challenges in every major. They also brought to mind the students to follow their passions, talents and abilities to choose the major, so there is no regret for choosing the wrong major. In between sessions, committee members of LSPR Freshman Orientation also prepared for some mini games using an application called Slido. Two lucky winners managed to get prizes in the form of BCA Flazz Card Exclusive from the Faculty of Communication. This event closed with a presentation from all of the Ministry of UGP in Communication Studies from all majors. They shared stories of some activities inside the class and projects in the middle and final examination, such as making a film or theatre, exhibitions and many more.