Jakarta In order to implement the Independent Campus Program, the LSPR Communication and Business Institute together with Gunadarma University signed a bilateral cooperation agreement contained in the MOU for various activities, including academic activities and institutional quality improvement.

The signing process

This activity was held at the LLDIKTI Region III office today, Thursday, 6 January, 2022, Cawang, Jakarta. In the event, the Founder & CEO of LSPR, Prita Kemal Gani said that this collaboration would be able to strengthen and increase the progress of LSPR and UG in the field of communication. and technology, “TOGETHER BETTER TOGETHER STRONGER”. Gunadarma University Chancellor, Prof. Dr. ES Margianti welcomed the welcome of the Founder & CEO of LSPR by quoting the old adage, UNITED WE STAND, DIVERS WE RUNTUH, meaning that this collaboration can be like a stick, when gathered together it becomes strong and useful. Acting as a witness to the signing, the Head of LLDIKTI region III, Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, strengthened this statement by conveying, everything that is good and done together (in congregation) will produce more benefits.

LSPR Transpark Bekasi

Gunadarma University