Jakarta – After managing the Communicare Journal of Communication Studies and the Journal of Servite, LSPR Communication & Business Institute added one more journal, namely the Commentate Journal of Communication Management. Commentate, is a journal in the field of communication and management managed by the Postgraduate Program (PGP), and published by the Institute for Research, Publication and Community Service (LP3M) LSPR Institute of Communication and Business. Commentate has published the article Volume 1 No. 1 and No. 2 published in 2020. The COMMENTATE journal name has the meaning of two concepts. First, COMMENTATE is an abbreviation of Communication Management in Postgraduate Studies. Second, COMMENTATE in Indonesian translation means commentator on sports activities. This philosophy means that articles published in this journal have a spirit of sportsmanship in capturing various communication phenomena that exist in society. Commentate has a scope of topics such as: Corporate Communications, Media Communications (mainstream and digital), Public Relations, Business Communications, Entertainment Communications, Global Communications, and Communications Management. Published twice a year, every June and December.
Dr. Rino F. Boer Editor in Chief Commentate of the Journal of Communication Management stated that this journal is managed based on the needs of the academic world and real practical contributions in observing and understanding the phenomenon of the world of communication in social reality. He explained, “The exploration of knowledge from the campus should be implemented in the wider community. The phenomenon of communication constructed in scientific research must be published so that it can be accessed by various parties so that it is beneficial not only academically, but also practically for the business world and business people. Commentate is present as a publication medium that bridges the academic world and the social world ”. In line with the need for the publication of scientific articles which are a graduation requirement for graduate students, he added, “Commentate is held to become a forum for all PGP students to explore their potential to become professional scientific writers in their respective fields of work”. This journal can be accessed through http://journal.lspr.edu/index.php/commentate/about .