Jakarta – On Thursday, August 26, 2021, LSPR together with Merdeka Campus held the “LSPR Peduli” Humanitarian Project by inviting Dr. Puji Lestari as disaster communication researcher and lecturer at UPN Veterans Yogyakarta and Hari Akbar Apriawan as executive director of Indonesia Resilience. The event opened with welcome words from Mr. Rudi Sukandar, Ph.D and Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Sc., M.M, and not forgetting Mr. Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan, M.I.Kom as moderator.
Dr. Puji Lestari explained about disaster management model
Dr. Puji Lestari as a speaker had the opportunity to convey her material first on disaster communication, disaster management, and disaster mitigation among the community. Disaster communication aims to generate responses to reduce disasters. Disaster communication helps the success of disaster management. Disaster management is all activities that include aspects of planning and disaster management. Meanwhile, disaster mitigation is used to reduce the risk of the impact of disasters carried out before the disaster occurs.
Photos of IRES activity as a facilitator
Mr Hari Akbatr shows image of area mapping as a field information system during Emergency Response
Then the explanation was continued by Hari Akbar Apriawan, executive director of Indonesia Resilience (IRES), a research institution that focuses on the issue of disaster resilience and disaster risk reduction, which uses community empowerment activism. IRES acts as a researcher, developer, community advisor and agent incubator. He explained that resilience is the ability of each person to face, prevent, and minimize problems that interfere with normal conditions, even making these problems part of normalization. In implementing disaster communication, disaster management, disaster mitigation, and resilience, volunteers are needed to help. Volunteers are the key to rescue. It is volunteers who help the survivors to quickly rise from adversity.
Article by: Gretha