Jakarta – On Friday, 17th March 2023 starting from 15.00-18.00 WIB, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business has held an event “LSPR Student Appreciation Day (2021-2022 Period)” under the auspices of BEM LSPR with the Akasha Cabinet and Cakrawangsa Cabinet. This event is an annual event to celebrate and appreciate students academically and non-academically over the past year.
The event was hosted by Rico Davlin and Sahira Syahla. The opening speech was delivered by Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D. as a Vice Rector III of LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. Then, the inspirational speech from Dr. (H.C.) Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, FIPR, as a Founder & CEO of LSPR Institute of Communication & Business.

After that, the main event continued, which began with the screening of the LSPR Student League 2021/2022 Rewind video. Then, the screening of virtus bronze & silver in the academic field. Furthermore, the announcement of virtus gold in the academic field for the Faculty of Communication batch 23, 24, and 25 as well as the Faculty of Business & Faculty of Visual Communication batch 1 and 2. There were a virtus embedding symbolization session from several student representatives in the academic field. Next, a video message from the alumni was shown. Then, enter the non-academic field with the display of bronze & silver virtus. Furthermore, the announcement of virtus gold in the non-academic field was shown. There were a symbolization session for pinning virtus in the non academic field. At the peak of the event, showing a screening of the virtus of the Akasha Student League Cabinet 2021/2022 periode. The event was enlivened by LSPR Band. Ended with a group photo session.
LSPR Student Appreciation Day was held in a hybrid way at The Amani Palladium Theatre, LSPR Transpark Bekasi. While online using Zoom and Youtube channels of BEM LSPR. Congratulations to the selected students who received an appreciation in the academic and non-academic fields! (Jihan Susmita Dewi/ Deffa Aufar Wira Pratama)