Jakarta – Mangharcana Batik Cibuluh is an activity initiated by the student of LSPR Jakarta class PRDC24-4SP in supporting Kampung Batik Cibuluh to grow and develop. Kampung Batik Cibuluh is one of the educational tours in Bogor that empowers women to become batik artisans. The women there are trained to have their own business, namely the batik business. But unfortunately, after doing a survey, out of 151 respondents, only 26 people knew about the existence of this batik village or only 17.3%.
In this activity, LSPR Jakarta students helped raise public awareness of Kampung Batik Cibuluh through talkshows and digital marketing training. Mangharcana Batik Cibuluh was held on Saturday, June 24, 2023 at the Yard Batik Bumiku, Jl. Neglasari I, Cibuluh, North Bogor.
The activity which was held on Saturday, June 24, 2023 were also attended by the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, Secretary of the Bogor City Tourism, Culture and Creative Economy Office, Ana Ismawati, Head of North Bogor Sub-District, Riki Robiasnyah and LSPR Vice Rector IV, Lestari Nurhajati.
Bima Arya as the Mayor of Bogor appreciated this event, “I appreciate the Mangharcana event from LSPR friends who have come a long way from Jakarta to choose this place and there must be benefits not only for Cibuluh society, batik makers but also for the City of Bogor. Because we want to continue to strengthen the potential of local micro, small and medium enterprises, especially batik.” Said Bima during his interview with the LSPR students.
Mangharcana Batik Cibuluh is a Community Development activity presented in the form of a talkshow which were attended by Gaby Mariska M.I.Kom, a Communication lecturer and Jourimanzky Putri, a Fashion Influencer. Furthermore, the speakers also provided digital marketing training to representatives of each Batik group in order to equip batik makers and the younger generation in Kampung Batik Cibuluh to be able to manage social media in doing business. This activity ended with a Fashion Show featuring typical Batik of Cibuluh Village made by several groups, namely Batik Bumiku, Batik Irwanda, Batik Pancawati, Batik Gaziseri, Batik Melangit, and Batik Cherry. Mangharcana Batik Cibuluh also collaborated with young batik lovers by inviting them to make a video to wear batik in daily activities.