The speakers of Metamorphosis: Changing for Better Life
Every October, SGO holds a mandatory seminar, SGO EXPO. SGO EXPO was held on October 13, 2023. Located at the Prof.Djajusman Auditorium, LSPR Sudirman Park campus. The event raised several topics. The first session discussed the theme Metamorphosis: Changing for Better Life. presenting Kak Shahfira Fawzia Ahmad. M, Psi, Psychologist who is a Clinical Psychologist, and Muhammad Syibbli, Z, S. Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist, who is a One Percent Psychologist as a guest star at the event. This event also presents as a moderator from LSPR lecturer, Mr. Melvyn Bonardo Simanjuntak, M. Ikom. This event was certainly presented by all students of LSPR Batch 27 Faculty of Communication and Batch 4 Faculty of Business.
The speaker of Metamorphosis: Changing for Better Life
In the talk show, the two guest stars said that sexual harassment is a behavior that commits gender-based sexual violence. According to students are afraid to discuss with their parents and according to Ms. Shahfira Fawzia Ahmad. M,Psi “Surely parents can listen to stories from those of us who experience it and we don’t need to be afraid of it, but there are other ways, if on campus to SGO or can go to a psychologist”. The hope of the two guest stars for this event is to have awareness, where LSPR students and students can realize and understand the forms of sexual harassment, mental health, and what needs to be done.
Performance from LSPR Band
The talk show ended at 16.00 and there was a plaque presentation to the speakers by Ms. Prischa Nova (Head and Counselor Team of SGO) supported by the excitement of the LSPR Band performance.
Documented by Wiradeffa & Kelly Meilyana
Article by Kelly Meilyana