Jakarta Monday, January 3, 2022, an online seminar will be held ahead of the launch of the Digital Transformation Application of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Higher Education AI Centre. The main speaker is Mr. Ismail Fahmi. Ph.D. which discusses the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in universities. The first discussion is about 3 Levels of Digital Intelligence, namely; (1) Digital Citizenship, (2) Digital Creativity, and (3) Digital Competitiveness. Then Mr. Ismail also talked about the Data Science Skill Set, namely; (1) Math & Statistics, (2) Domain Knowledge & Soft Skills, (3) Programming & Database, and lastly (4) Communication & Visualization. Why do we need AI? Mr. Ismail replied that looking at the situation of universities in the future, a lot of data was collected to take lessons and detect patterns of students who would drop out (DO). The next event was the briefing of the acting director general of research and technology higher education followed by the launch of the digital transformation application and the AI ​​center dikti by Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D. symbolically pressing the start button on the screen. Then shown 3 main benefits of AI.


Article by Erika