Jakarta – Mauk Barat Village begin the campaign program “Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah” with the series of debriefing activities held on Friday, June 16, 2023, at the Mauk Barat Village Office, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, Banten.
The “Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah” campaign program was organized by LSPR Institute of Communication and Business Jakarta students. The involvement of LSPR students aims to help the “Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah” campaign program to solve environmental problems that occur in Mauk Barat Village.
The event was held in the form of a seminar by inviting village officials, PKK members and Mauk Barat Village Youth Organization, then involving two speakers, namely Past Novel Larasaty, B.A, MA as Chair of the Public Relations and Digital Communication study program and a speaker in the field of communication specialists by Afriza Ni’matus Sa’adah S.T.
The “Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah” campaign was carried out to help Mauk Barat Village which has several environmental problems including facing various garbage and waste problems, including flooding, damaged road conditions and not having a TPA (Final Disposal Site). As a result, the distribution of social assistance is often late. Cleanliness in Mauk Barat Village is one of the most frequent problems.
“Many of the problems in this village are still about environmental hygiene. The main cause is a blockage in the landfill, so that garbage accumulates. In addition, residents are still difficult to tell when it comes to environmental cleanliness.” said the village official, Syalahudin as the village operator in Mauk Barat Village (30/03/2023).
Not only that, Mauk Barat Village has also received complaints from the local community about the unpleasant smell coming from piles of garbage scattered on the side of the road. The garbage was not only dumped on the side of the road, but the irrigation canals were also filled with piles of garbage.
For this reason, with the “Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah” event initiated by students of the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, it is hoped that the community and village officials of Mauk Barat can work together, uniting synergies to care more about the environment and overcome waste problems.
“Because the community is still less concerned, it needs creative hands, especially from LSPR students who actively initiate a form of real education through debriefing seminars for Mauk Barat Village.” Said Past Novel Larasaty, B.A, MA as a communication expert speaker at Peduli Lingkungan Bebas Sampah seminar.
Hopefully, this seminar can provide meaningful benefits, give birth to concrete steps to improve the environment, and create innovative ideas to achieve a better and sustainable environment for a brighter future of Mauk Barat Village.
“This event is very helpful for us, especially to increase our knowledge of communication issues and good environmental management.” said Arif, a member of the Mauk Barat Village Youth Organization.
For additional information, Mauk Barat Village is located in Mauk Sub-district, Tangerang Regency, Banten. The village has a population around 5,000 people, most of them are engaged in agriculture, fisheries, livestock, industry and related activities.