Jakarta – Last Thursday (23/09), Ditjen Diktiristek held a Webinar Series PR Reka Innovation Kedaireka 6 with the topic of discussion on the Role of Public Relations HR and Public Relations Institutions in Accelerating Innovation Ecosystem Development. This webinar is held via Zoom and broadcast on Ditjen Diktiristek’s Youtube Channel. The webinar was opened by remarks from Prof. Nizam as Plt. The Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and a keynote speech from Mr. Usman Kansong as the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information.

Mr. Thoriq explained about Iprahumas Programs

The event was followed by a material presentation session by the speakers. The first material about the duties and functions of government public relations in the dissemination of innovation, was delivered by Mr. Yayat Hendayana (General Coordinator, Cooperation and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Higher Education). The second material was presented by Mr. Thoriq Ramadani (Chairman of IPRAHUMAS 2022-2024). He explained about IPRAHUMAS programs that can support the development of an innovation ecosystem, and about the potential collaboration between IPRAHUMAS and universities.

Mr. Ade Kadarisman explained about Kedaireka

The next material was delivered by Mr. Ade Kadarisman (Chairman of the Communication, Media and Community Division of the Independent Campus Innovation Acceleration Work Team, Directorate General of Higher Education). He explained how to face the challenges of very fast dynamics of innovation through the collaboration of universities and national or international industries carried out by the Kedaireka platform.

Mrs. Prita said Internal communication is the key to building organizational resilience

The last material was presented by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder & CEO of IKB LSPR). Mrs. Prita discussed the challenges of PR in the technology era as well as the complexity of the environment and innovation. She also discussed the urgency of public relations during the pandemic to be able to build opinions through story telling by utilizing technology and social media. According to Mrs. Prita, Internal communication is the key to building organizational resilience. The webinar ended with a question and answer session with the speakers.

Question and answer session


Article by: Hani