Jakarta – Mr. Ari Widodo Poespodihardjo, Ph, D presented us with a topic about what we can do in a self-quarantine situation like this. The video was uploaded on LSPR Jakarta Youtube Account. He mentioned that he’s been in a similar lockdown situation when the wildfires happened in Australia. He shared ideas on what we can do at home that might help to kill time.
First thing to do is to try to think positively. There are a couple of ways to stay positive, one of them is exercising and do physical activities. This is also related to mental health. After being trapped at home for a couple of days, we can start to feel a little bit uneasy. That’s because we haven’t done anything. There are a lot of things you can do, one of them is exercising.
Besides exercise, he also said he used his time to read. He likes to read comics. While in quarantine, he uses his time to do more research about the comic world. He thinks comics are something that can be explored and it’s a good time killer.
He mentioned about his 90’s Humor magazine collection. During self-quarantine, he dives into his old magazine collection and re-reads them. There’s a comic inside one of his Humor magazine collection which is Sawungkampret comic by Dwi Koen. Dwi Koen that describes our nation in comedy / satire form. According to him, these kinds of comics can help us see the colour of our nation through a little bit of humour and criticism.
During this time, we can spend our time analyzing stories about the long journey of our nation through comics or how the comic artist saw this country’s development through their eyes. Reading can keep us focused and positive. Right now is a rare moment in time that we can sit and relax, focusing on ourselves.
Article by Dianka
Photo source by YouTube channel LSPR Jakarta
YouTube – LSPR Jakarta