The Indonesian government has established a Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) 4 Minister No. 01 / KB / 2O2O, No. 516 2O2O, No. HK.03.0 1 / Ministry of Health I 363 I 2O2O, No. 440-842 2020 as a guide for implementing academic learning during the COVID-19. Friday, 7 August 2020, Joint Decree of 4 Ministers made an adjustment was in Learning Policy for practical learning activities in tertiary institutions were allowed in all zones by implementing health protocol. Based on that government instruction, LSPR will continue the online learning for theoretical subjects and implementing the offline learning with shifting system for practical subjects. Here are the details schedule, that you need to consider carefully to prepare the odd semester:
No | Date | Activities |
1. | 14 September 2020 | 1st Day of Classes |
2. | 2-13 November | Midterm Exam |
3. | 25 Jan-4 February | Final Exam |
LSPR has a special strategy in dealing with a pandemic by providing a program called LSPR OMNI to balance the student’s online and offline academic learning in addressing the “new normal” environment. It is designed to promote the welfare of the students and lecturers in adapting to certain changes most especially the shift to online platforms. LSPR’s main priority is to keep the safety of its community and at the same time deliver optimum results in the learning output of the students.
Aside from the webinar series, online forums and workshops, we are now planning for the online guest lectures for next semester that will involve our university and corporate partners as exchange lecturers who will teach and collaborate with our students virtually. This way, students will be able to interact and learn from a different standpoint with a different mentor instead of having the usual classroom environment with their lecturers. This is similar to our Lecturer Exchange Program, however due to travel restrictions, we wanted to continue the implementation by making this available online. The online guest lectures will start in the last week of November 2020.
We hereby request your cooperation to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and we hope that we are all protected, always remain in a health condition. We all need to stand together, push back fear and turns instead towards hope, solidarity and shared sense for our community.